Speaker Lineup

Marianne Giovingo
Marianne grew up in Illinois, where she loves being from (don’t hold that against her) and by choice (twice), she loves living in the greater Milwaukee area.
She knows God’s love and strives to encounter His Spirit more deeply in daily life. Marianne’s love story with the Father is one of adventure: “say yes to the Lord and watch Him perform miracles in your life and in the lives around you.”
She would say it has been the profound privilege of her life to serve the Lord through teaching High School Theology, discerning religious communities (and, praise God, pursuing this fulfillment), serving discipleship through parish life, and now accompanying the Trade Show world as Director of First Impressions and Accounts Payable for Captivate Exhibits.
Marianne’s nickname is Smiles, and you will probably hear her snort a time or two during the conference. Her joy is an exterior witness of the interior peace she has only found through faithful participation in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and at Mass.
Her prayer for you is a deepening of this relationship for yourselves; for you to give God permission to take claim of your heart by receiving the gift of His Life and Mercy in the Sacraments and then watch the Father perform miracles!
Marianne ends most conversations with, ‘see you in the Eucharist,’ because when we are before Jesus, we are united to everyone we know and love, and nothing is too great to separate us from Love!